Sunday 25 May 2008

Neil Diamond - Diamond Takes Part In Hollywood Rooftop Skit

NEIL DIAMOND was game for a laugh on Friday (23May08) as he watched U.S. funnyman JIMMY KIMMEL butcher his SWEET CAROLINE hit on a rooftop in Hollywood for fans down below.

Kimmel, a big fan of the crooner, told Diamond, who was appearing on his late night chat show, that he'd always dreamed of becoming a Neil Diamond impersonator.

In a skit filmed before the show aired on Friday (23May08) night, Diamond gave Kimmel tips how to be just like him and then watched aghast as the comedian, performing as Theo Zirconia, belted out one of the singer's most famous tunes on the roof of his El Capitan studio overlooking Hollywood Boulevard.

The performance ended with fans on the street below booing Kimmel and the police arriving to arrest the funnyman. A chuckling Diamond then took over the microphone to complete his anthem, much to the delight of music lovers below.

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